nebelmer ⛯

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Tue, Nov 12, 17:31 2024

The object

The hero of the game returned to the place where he knew that the object had been left behind. He had seen it before, it seemed a little out of place, but at the time he didn't know what to do with it. It had been on the hero's mind; its existence was curious. Its unique characteristics seemed to have a point or a purpose, but not one that had been obvious at first glance.

It was still there years later, after all this time; as if it had been patiently waiting there for the hero, to be opened at the right time. A number of different levers unlocked it. Upon unlocking, the object's true purpose revealed itself to the hero.

Thu, Feb 6, 19:38 2024

Taking something apart

It may not be obvious to us at all times, or we may not view everything with the point of view in mind, that items, and other things, most of the time, can be taken apart. For example, if you have a pen, you can try to disassemble it into its individual parts. And the same can be done with many other items.

Once you've disassembled it, you can see the smaller parts, that make up the whole; what they are made of, how they function, how they are connected and so on. By doing this, we may learn something about the item and how it works internally.

The item, before disassembly, appeared to us as its own sovereign entity, but we could learn that it was made up of different individual parts that actually work together, forming a holistic working mechanism.

Not only items can be understood in this way, but there are many other mechanisms and together-workings of different kinds that can be broken into several interconnected, intersecting parts working together as a full entity; such as a company, a political party, et cetera.

Thu, Jan 25, 13:33 2024

Influencers and the influenced

In the past 10-20 years, the term "influencer" has emerged. The term is used to describe someone who influences people through and by the means of the internet; usually and particularly in the scope of social media. Influencers have not just magically appeared out of nowhere in the past decade, but hundreds of years ago, similar people have existed; they were emperors, painters, philosophers, mathematicians, musicians and so on. Those were the people to lead and shape civilization. So these are the ones who influence the rest of the people in some way.

But who are the others, the non-influencers, or we could call them "the influenced". Are they aware that they are the influenced. We don't know if are they aware that they are in this relationship with the influencers.

People might become influencers without intending to do it, simply by having a public profile, posting images of themself or putting out a piece of media on the internet. In daily life, we can influence others, though localized it may not have as great of a widespread effect.

We can see that there is a certain ratio of influencer to influenced. Streamers for example can have thousands of people watching them at the same time, but it is not thousands of streamers watching one of the influenced. The influencers are only a few compared to the many influenced. We can wonder about whether this ratio of IF-ER:IF-ED is static and fixed or does it change or roughly stay the same.

Fri, Jan 19, 21:41 2024

Fascination with fantasy, sci-fi and past times

Most people, and myself included, will have some kind of interest in fantasy, sci-fi or the historical times from hundreds of years ago. To pick one example, Star Wars for example is a popular sci-fi franchise that almost everyone knows and a lot of people are interested in. I have been thinking about why this is the case and why there is an interest in it.

We are right now, as a human species, moving around like a swarm of fish in a collective swarm in the current ocean of time or we could call it the current zeitgeist: the way the human species is collectively feeling and thinking in this very moment in time. We are influenced by the people and the events of our time. Every era has certain characteristics to it. The 80s were a certain way, the 90s were a different way. Western people from the 1920s were all a certain way; the way they talked, the way they looked, the way they thought about things, the way they viewed the world and themselves. The men wore hats, the women dressed modestly, and they wore their hair in a certain way. A woman may have copied some hairstyle or some outfit from another woman because she thought that it looked good on her. Behaviour similar to the fish in a swarm staying close to its neighbors; or a flock of birds staying close to one another and moving around in unity.

Sci-fi, fantasy or former times are our gateway out of this narrow field of current day existence and conformal living; in it, more things are allowed and possible. Not as many restrictions. So maybe there is in other people, and in myself, in the general population, an urge to venture beyond, to explore life further and to break away from conformity.

Tue, Jan 16, 19:51 2024


I currently weigh: 115 lbs

Mon, Jan 15, 23:35 2024

Object creation -- What is an object -- Creation of objects -- Why should anyone create any kind of object

For the last 2-3 years or so, despite never having had a strong interest in it before, I have become more and more interested in paintings; and as I was looking at some paintings recently, I began thinking about them, their effect on people, their purpose, what went into them, what they convey, and so on, I realized something. When a painter creates a painting, unless he destroys them, or they get thrown away after his death, they often live on for some time beyond him. Some painters found no recognition during their time, but were later 'rediscovered' and appreciated by a later generation more receptive or appreciative of them, because the painter's paintings had been preserved.

In this sense, if I look at a painting now, the painting is a message to me, through time, communicating something from another era, from the beyond. Paintings used to look uninteresting and trivial to me, but as I have been looking at them more, I found that they opened up to me more. For example if you were given a box as a gift from someone, and it was a nice looking box, you might think that the box itself is the present. But after a while you begin to see that the box was meant to be opened and examined further. Another interesting fact about paintings is that a painting speaks on its own, without words. And it can contain various information. A painting creates a unique relationship between itself and the person looking at it. The painting that I see is not the same painting someone else sees. I can verify this through the fact that I had no relationship to paintings before. Now that I am a different person, a different relationship has formed, but the painting is still the same. But it has changed because my perception of it has changed.

This means that if a person creates something that outlives its creator, then it exists beyond the scope of that person, for an unknown amount of time, in the future in time. So if a painter paints a painting, or a director makes a movie, or an engineer puts together some device that is still there after his death, then he has the chance to put something into the world that exists for a while in time. What is being created is what could be called an object.

A book is an object, or a statue is an object, or a person can be an object. The pyramids are objects. So, anything that we create becomes an object. This object exists in time for variable lengths. Each object has different potential effects on other people. It has various longevity and durability. In some cases, this object can create other objects, and so on. So, if we keep this in mind, then as a result, some questions could arise, such as:

  • Is it worth deliberately creating an object
  • Some people who wrote books, like Marcus Aurelius, or Franz Kafka, wanted their writings to be burned after their death.

    In our daily lives we can observe that we inadvertently create smaller objects. These smaller objects may be interconnected and fuse, or merge to a larger object. The objects we create passively, are likely not going to have as much durability or longevity to them as they would if we create them deliberately or actively.

    The active object creator will usually take into consideration:

  • What kind of object could be created
  • What kind of object should be created
  • What is the object's lifespan
  • What is the object's effect
  • What is the object's reach
  • What is the object's target
  • Is it an object that has an effect in its era, or could it connect to something or to someone, at a later point in time (If it were obtained by the right person or persons, by an entity, etc.)
  • And so on.

    Thu, Jan 11, 19:57 2024

    Purpose of this blog

    The purpose of this blog is just to be an internet journal. It is not trying to convince anyone of anything, or to achieve anything other than for its author (me) to write blog posts as well as post images or media of, topics that he loves, finds interesting, or is currently thinking about.
